TCS CODEVITA SEASON 10 TCS CodeVita, the largest global computer programming competition, is a 24-hour online programming contest where a participant can log in from anywhere, any time. Coding enthusiasts can sharpen their programming skills through a series of intriguing real-life challenges across a stretch of 3 Rounds and an opportunity to win the coveted
TCS HackQuest 2022 ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA 2021 an 2022 Batch Can Apply. Engineering graduates from the 2021 and 2022 batch of B.Tech / M.Tech / BCA / MCA / BSc / MSc (IT and Computer Science). 60% is required in the Graduation. DASHBOARD OVERVIEW How To Make A Great Resume For Free: Click Here FULL VIDEO
TCS NQT ANNOUNCED The TCS National Qualifier Test (NQT) is going to be conducted by the TCS to hire Freshers with less than 2 years of experience Across India to hire suitable candidates for various roles. Moreover, the TCS NQT Applications were Open for April 2022, June 2022 Exam Cycle. So, candidates can check and
TCS BPS hiring has been released for 2024 batch Graduates. If you have applied, You might be thinking of How to Prepare for the TCS BPS Exam. No need to worry about it because in this post we are going to provide you free study material to prepare for the TCS BPS test 2024. Read
Here is a Great News for all the 2022 batch Students, TCS has anounced The TCS BPS Hiring For 2022 Batch Freshers. In this We will talk about all the important details about the TCS BPS Hiring 2022, Like Registration Process details and Syllabus, Exam Date and last date to apply etc. So Do read
LIST OF QUESTIONS FOR TCS Tell me about yourself and your academics. What was your final’s Project Explain briefly. It was build by youself or in a team? What was your role in the project. You have mentioned java in you resume, then by you worked as a frontend developer for you project. Tell me
TCS Interview Questions + Interview Process + How many Rounds? Interview Process and Rounds As we have researched about the rounds in TCS Interview, We have found that, There is only one Interview round [ TR + HR + MR ] will be there after clearing the TCS Assessment. This Interview round will be a
TCS OFF CAMPUS PREPARATION MATERIAL AND PATTERN 2021 Some Important points to be noted about TCS Off Campus Hiring Phase 2 Assessment Platform would be TCS iON. Candidates who perform exceptionally in this TCS Off Campus Hiring stand a chance to become eligible for the advanced offer opportunity of TCS Digital. Resources to Prepare PART-1
TCS OFF CAMPUS FOR YOP 2020 & 2021 – PHASE 2 ELIGIBILITY Percentage: Minimum aggregate (all subjects in all semesters) marks of 60% or 6 CGPA in each of Class Xth, Class XIIth, Diploma (if applicable), Graduation and Post-Graduation examination is required Highest Qualification: Students should have completed their education in the stipulated course duration
TCS MBA HIRING 2021 ELIGIBILITY Age: Minimum age should be 18 years and maximum age should be 28 years Course: 2 Years Full-Time MBA/MMS/ PGDBA/PGDM/ Course – Marketing / Finance / Operations / Supply Chain Management / Information Technology / General Management / Business Analytics / Project Management Percentage: Minimum aggregate (aggregate of all subjects in all semesters)